Heretic Craft Distillery – Blue Hawaiian 10%

Pours a turquoise-ish blue with no head and very little carbonation. Smells of pineapple and tastes like pineapple juice with vodka. The mouthfeel is a little thick and syrupy, which is exactly what I’d expect out of a tropical drink. I wouldn’t want to drink this with a meal, but if I’m relaxing in a pool, a hot tub, or on the beach then this is perfect! My second serving was shaken over ice with a garnish and that made a world of difference. On top of looking really sexy, it thinned it out a little and kept it colder. It’s just as sweet but without the syrupy thickness that you get straight from the can. If you want to be transported to someplace tropical very soon, grab a few cans of this and toss it over ice, you won’t regret it!

Heretic Craft Distillery - Blue Hawaiian 10%

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